What is it

Sort Eat Out helps you choose the right meal based on your dietary preferences or restrictions, thus saving you countless minutes browsing food menus.

The Sort Eat Out Extension currently offers a choice between a Vegetarian or Vegan filter, and will automatically highlight every meal in the menu with an appropriate color.

Currently supported platforms are DoorDash and UberEats, with more to come.

How it works

Only 2 steps for automatic labeling!

  1. Click on the extension icon to configure your preferred filter (Vegetarian or Vegan)

  2. Go to www.ubereats.com or www.doordash.com, and select any restaurant

Enjoy your new food ordering experience provided by Sort Eat Out !

Coloring legend* (described below)

*Coloring Legend:

a) Green - matches your filter

b) Red - does not match your filter

c) Yellow - uncertain, please check with the restaurant

d) Grey - excluded, typically some drinks or desserts categories

DISCLAIMER: The information provided by this extension is purely informational and not for the purpose of providing strict dietary advice, you should contact a dietician or confirm with the restaurant for strict dietary advice.